08/08 - pen gliding / artist brisbane
I BREATHE in and the pen glides over the paper..suspended in the moment, free from thought and enjoying the journey...x

01/08 - birthday boy!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to this gorgeous little ray of sunshine for today! Dearest Ol, your open-hearted personality and energy is enough to light up a room! We love you dearly, you beautiful little guy. The big 6 today and loving prep, Gravitrax, bike riding, rock collecting, family and friends!

01/08 - Brisbane artist / nature is beautiful
Nature never ceases to amaze me, growing over time into something beautiful, withstanding all the elements, resilient, wild and free!

01/08 - Brisbane artist / colourful artwork brisbane
I BREATHE in and the pen glides over the paper..suspended in the moment, free from thought x